Casino Perks Aqusition
this perk will allow holders to go to any partnered casino and use our reward system at that casino
Dedicated Table/Slot
We want to grant NFT holders the ability to rent out any table or slot in a physical casino just for them for up to 6 hours at a time with our reward system. For example, while you're playing Blackjack, Baccarat, or any game that is able to be rented out at one of our partnered casinos, you will have the ability to access your sin city ape reward system while your at the physical location.
Where can we get these tables? Currently, you cannot get any dedicated tables, but right now we are working with multiple casinos in Las Vegas and around the world to complete this in the most efficient way possible, but eventually we want it so that you could go to any casino anywhere (at least in the United States) and be able to use this system.
How could I rent a Table/Slot?
The way you would be able to rent one of the tables is you would go on our website and rent it out for a specific time beforehand if it is already not being rented out at that time, just like if you were going to watch a movie at the theaters.
Last updated