$APINA Token
Official Currency of the future economy of the crypto community. this cryptocurrency will help tie in the utility into the ecosystem.
What is $APINA and How Does It Work?
$APINA is the currency that is generated when you stake a SIN City Ape.
You will be able to use this for all kinds of different utility from claiming whitelist opportunities to being able to purchase items that can be utilized in games to generating $APINA companions which will be explained further down the line.
When you stake your Sin City Ape you will get x amount of $APINA depending on the type of APE you have and what other NFTs you may have staked (such as our companions and breaded Apes).
You must own at least 1 Sin City Ape to be able to earn any type of $APINA. This means you can’t just own a accessory item and earn $APINA.
1 $APINA = 1 $APINA - The value of the token dollar value will be based off of the returns of the DAO.
We will be providing or advertising liquidity pools.
You can learn more about the DAO and how it is intertwined with the value of the $APINA token in the "DAO Fund" section.
Brief Summary of Tokenomics
We wanted to balance the tokenomics as best as possible but a lot of the balancing will occur DURING the marketplace stage. We will offer a lot of utility so we are constantly either burning or re-circulating $APINA into our ecosystem depending what we need to do at the time.
We will give you a brief summary of our splits between the team, the circulating supply and the run-down.
1,000,000,000 $APINA Supply
100,000,000 $APINA in Circulation
890,000,000 $APINA in DAO Wallet
10,000,000 $APINA in Devs Wallets
The $APINA in the DAO wallet is NOT to be touched unless the DAO for some reason “run out” of $APINA and future giveaways within the marketplace and to bring in new members on board.
We will be supplying liquidity and do support this. If someone starts it, we can’t stop it. We will not advertise liquidity for the token as we have a LOT of internal value that will essentially help you gain benefits in the space.
Ways to acquire $APINA tokens
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